Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day 3

Saturday, May 3

Saturday was a relatively uneventful day. Jenny fed me twice completely on her own so James could make sure she had the hang of it. She even took my e-collar off for a while, and I ate a little dry k/d kibble and groomed my front legs for a long time. I discovered that I could curl up in my cuddle cup even wearing my e-collar, and during dinner I was curled up on my right side so Jenny could just feed me through the tube in my left side and I didn't even have to get up! That was kind of nice. I weighed 5 lbs. 1 oz. when James weighed me.

Bucky threw up again on Saturday. I think he is aware of all the stress and tension in the house, and it's making him anxious. Plus I'm set up with all my stuff in the bedroom, and he's not allowed in there because he might bug me or eat all my kibble. So when Jenny & James go in the room with me and shut the door behind them, he often stands on the other side, panting and occasionally whining (which he usually never does).

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