Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 14

Wednesday, May 14

Today is the 2-week anniversary of getting my PEG tube inserted. Now I'm supposedly all healed up! Jenny was home most of the day today, and after she gave me my dinner, she decided to hang around with me for a while to see how I would do with my e-collar off. I mostly groomed myself, but then when she was getting drowsy, I snuck under the bed.

Jenny looked under there at me, and I was just lying there, so she decided to leave me there until James came home from work (like she could have gotten me out by herself anyway...). Meanwhile Dr. Forman's tech, Lisa, called to check on me. Jenny told her I was doing very well, and asked if it would be OK to take off my e-collar now that it's been two weeks since my tube was inserted. Lisa said she could, but that if I bother the site, they should put it back on. Jenny also mentioned that they were running out of my metocloramide (GI motility medicine). Lisa told her that it was only supposed to be for 2 weeks, so they should stop giving it to me, but if I really start vomiting they will refill the prescription. Then Jenny made a re-check appointment for me next week.

When James came home he came up to get me out from under the bed. First he tried to just reach in and grab me, but I kicked at him and scratched him a little (I have all my claws). Then he used pure brute force and lifted the bed up a little so Jenny could get me. He put my e-collar back on and the two of them went downstairs for dinner.

After dinner, they put Mr. Cat in the basement and came upstairs to let me out of the room for a little exploration time. They found that I had somehow wedged myself under the bed while wearing my e-collar, but the lure of the open bedroom door was too much to resist, and I crawled out on my own. They took off my e-collar so I would be more comfortable.

They're still trying to decide what to do about my tank top. Jenny bought a couple of little doggie tops at the pet store today, but now that they're home she thinks they might not be long enough to hold my tube in place. She also bought vet wrap (like an Ace bandage that sticks to itself) to wrap around my stomach like a misplaced headband, but they haven't tried putting that on me yet. I'll keep you posted!

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