Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 10

Saturday, May 10

I'm feeling quite perky today! I haven't wanted to sit still for my feedings, which is annoying for Jenny & James but also a sign that I'm feeling much better, so they can't really complain. I'm pretty tired of wearing this e-collar and tank top, though. When they take my e-collar off, I usually spend a little time trying to groom the tank top off (it never works).

On Wednesday it will be 2 weeks since I've had my feeding tube, which is supposed to be the magic time for it to heal to my stomach wall. Then there will be less of a chance of it accidentally coming out, so I can hopefully get my e-collar off for good. The tank top not only covers the spot where the tube enters my body, but also keeps my tube out of the way, so I'm not sure if I'll have to keep wearing it or not - I'll keep you posted.

Today Jenny is posting a photo of the tube where it enters my body. It makes me look a little like Frankenkitty, but it really doesn't bother me that much!

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