Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 400

June 3

Today my feeding tube came out. I'd like to take the credit, but I think it got caught on something when I was jumping down from a box. When James opened the bedroom door to let me out, I was tank-topless. Upon further investigation, he discovered that I was also feeding-tubeless. He retrieved my tube, packed me into my carrier, and swept me off to MedVet. He called Jenny on her cell phone (she was driving home from work) and she turned around and met us there.

The emergency vet we saw was named Dr. Lasher. She didn't think I was actually having an emergency, but she put in a phone call to another vet to consult. It wasn't Dr. Forman, because he was away at some internal medicine conference. Anyway, Dr. Lasher thought it would be a lot cheaper and maybe better medically to wait until tomorrow to replace my tube (when a vet more experienced with the procedure could do it). They clipped and cleaned my stoma, and sent me home without a feeding tube! I am still wearing a tank top, though, to keep my stoma clean. I feel so free!

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