Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 2, Tube #2

This morning I felt much better when Jenny & James gave me my antibiotics through my plug before Jenny left for work. I cried a little bit at first, but I didn't snarl or twist around.

When Jenny came home, she wanted to take some pictures of my plug so she could help me post them on this blog. I made a fuss when James lifted up my tank top and even tried to bite him! I think my stoma might be more sore now than it was this morning.

Before long James thought they might as well give me my antibiotics and get it over with. I growled and tried to slash at Jenny with my claws (unfortunately it looks like someone at MedVet trimmed them when I was under the anesthesia yesterday) but it hurt less than it did yesterday and I think Jenny was trying to be quick.

Just to make Jenny & James feel like they spent a bundle of money on a new feeding tube for nothing, I've been eating lots of kibble today and even drinking more water than usual. Pppthththbbbttt!

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